Dr. Katie Webber

Katie is an established international Spiritual Counsellor, Dynamic Healer, and Bioenergetics Practitioner. Her passion is guiding people into understanding and releasing the root cause of their suffering, empowering them to live a life filled with the happiness they truly deserve.

The passion Katie feels for her work was ignited by her own experience with illness, which led her on a quest to find a way to resolve the cause of disease and suffering.

Her ability to listen & observe without judgment enables her to see and feel emotional and energetic blockages. These blockages not only affect a person’s ability to move forward & enjoy life but often manifest in the physical body, causing ill health & pain. By releasing these blockages, Katie leads her clients on a journey to health & happiness.

Katie Webber

Katie has a PhD in Metaphysical Humanistic Science specialising in Spiritual Counselling and Hypnosis, a Bachelor of Science Degree, and a Diploma in Education. She is also a fully qualified Bioenergetics Practitioner.

After completing a double major in Biochemistry and Physiology at the  University of Queensland, Katie trained extensively with world-renowned international spiritual teachers and healers, Mike Robinson and Jo Le-Rose. She then went on to complete her Doctorate in Metaphysical Humanistic Science. Throughout her journey, Katie has gained a unique and powerful combination of healing and counselling techniques, which she incorporates into her work with profound results.

‘Katie has a natural clairvoyant ability. She connects with your Soul, revealing the truth of a situation and leading to deep healing and freedom.’ (LK NSW)

‘Katie’s understanding is vast! She is where science and spiritual healing meet and that is unique!’ (JD Qld)

“I am passionate about what I do. Many people have a deep yearning to ‘know’ themselves and understand life. My joy is to witness their joy when they are empowered to feel and be who they really are, instead of feeling trapped in who they had become.
Disease, pain, or suffering in any area of life are prompting us to look deeper. There is so much more to us than our physical body. We get caught in a system that throws money at quick-fix band-aid ‘solutions’. It is time to go within, see the big picture, and have a holistic approach to health and how we live our lives.”

Katie Webber is available for consultations via Zoom or at her practice on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. She also facilitates workshops internationally, guiding people on a path of self-discovery and deep healing.

Click here for more information on current workshops