Dynamic Healing


It is hard to describe what Dynamic Healing is, as an energy is involved that is not easy to explain. Katie’s ability to observe without judgment enables her to be in a space where non-love cannot reside, exposing the truth of the situation. Healing occurs as the suppressed energy that causes a blockage within the mind and body is released. Katie transforms that energy intuitively.

“Healer heal thyself” is essential in the journey to becoming a healer, as to understand another person, you must first truly understand and clear yourself. Katie has a passion for the truth and has delved deeply into her inner journey, discovering the solution to human suffering and the inner cry.

Katie’s genuine compassion and gentle grace have led many to seek her out. Whether it be during a consultation or a workshop, you cannot walk away unaffected by the deep Love (Truth) you are surrounded by in her presence. Deep healing occurs with honesty and love as the guide.

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