Personal Development

Katie hosts regular workshops covering a broad range of personal development subjects.

Katie is an international personal development facilitator. Her natural ability to listen and observe herself and the life around her without judgment has enabled profound realisations. She has a passion for helping others resolve any issue in life and find inner peace.

How would it feel if you knew how to access the Real You and find the solution to any issue in life?

Katie’s self-development workshops guide you on an inner journey while feeling supported to uncover the fear, beliefs, and conditioning that have kept you limited and trapped. She empowers you with tools to incorporate what you discover into your everyday life and enter into the flow of intelligence beyond the limitations of the conditioned mind.

Katie has been a personal development guide for twenty years, helping people find the truth within themselves that sets them free. Her love and compassion infuse her workshops with a dynamic, gentle, supportive place to share and grow. Past participants have said that their lives are indescribably touched forever.

Katie runs workshops internationally in person or online via Zoom.

Deep inside us, we yearn for love, peace, and freedom. However, as we grapple for answers outside ourselves, we become further lost in belief. It’s time to go within to uncover the truth of who we are and allow our full potential to be expressed.”

Personal Development Courses

“It takes strength of heart to see our beliefs and face our conditioning. It takes absolute diligence to become aware of our thoughts, words, and actions in every moment and uncover the fear beneath our reactions. The anger, judgment, and violence in this world are also in us. Truly seeing it can be very confronting. Many choose to avoid, ridicule, and judge the inner journey as they resist change. It takes a special person to throw themselves into the vulnerability that dropping all images brings.

We are not what we have become. We are so much more than that. Peeling back the layers of belief uncovers the essence within which radiates peace and love into a world that desperately needs it.”