Katie Webber Membership


Annual Online Membership Support with Katie’s Conscious Life Membership Group

Membership gives you access to Katie’s private Facebook group page, where you will have access to ongoing support as well as the following benefits:

* Monthly focus topic and practical exercises.
* Monthly 1 Hour Zoom webinar.
* Discounts on other services including one-on-one consultations and chi gong classes.
* 1 x Free Bioenergetics Health Scan (without consultation).

The new membership year will start on the 1st of April 2025 and end on the 31st of March 2026.

Once your payment is processed, you will receive a confirmation email and invitation to the private Facebook group page.
Please see the description below for more details.


Online Conscious Life Membership Group

Annually, Katie offers an opportunity to join her Conscious Life Membership Group. Hosted through a private group Facebook page, this membership provides invaluable support to its members as they navigate daily life. Members of this group receive monthly webinar workshops, documents, recordings, and discounts on other services.

Membership Group Facebook Page

This is a private page that only Katie’sConscious Life’ group members can see and access. Katie posts topics and self-discovery tasks at the beginning of each month. These topics provide a focus for discussion on the page during the month. This enables a place to share the journey daily with other members and provides a supportive place to ask questions between the monthly webinar workshops.

Monthly Webinar Workshops for Members

These workshops focus on the growth of the inner self. An article about the topic for the month and some practical exercises are posted on the private Facebook group page at the beginning of each month. Members can then delve into the topic as they go about their daily lives, sharing discoveries and asking questions in the comments on the Facebook page.

During the live 1-hour webinar workshop at the end of each month, Katie shares deeper insights, and members can ask questions and share realisations.

The live workshops are recorded for those who can’t make it at the scheduled time. Members can also download the recording to listen again if they want to.

Topics include health, relationships, wealth, and happiness.

You will:

  • Expand your consciousness.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of every level of your being – Soul, Mind, and Body.
  • Discover what is and what is not working, and bring awareness to the conditioned beliefs that cause repeat patterns in life.
  • Gain deep healing exercises that enable you to end these patterns and be free to live life fully.

This format provides the ongoing support and connection needed on the inner journey and as we go about our daily lives. Connecting each month is priceless, as we can look at any issues as they arise and discover solutions for them.

A year of membership costs $649.00

This is a fraction of the regular workshop price, and you don’t need to organise babysitting, accommodation, travel, etc. You can participate from the comfort of your home.

The workshop recordings are posted on the Facebook group page after each workshop. No matter when you join, you will pay the full membership fee and have access to all the information and recordings going back to the start of the membership year in April.

Membership can offer you support and communication throughout the year, and you can be part of a network that helps you deal with everyday life while delving into self-discovery, enabling personal growth. This will help your life to flow, uncovering who you are – unhindered by fear-based beliefs and conditioning.

From Katie: “I look forward to sharing this year’s inner journey. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to connect with you


“I have this ball of excitement inside that is growing bigger. This is EXACTLY what I was hoping for when searching for a guide and help. Katie, when you start talking, I get excited because it’s exactly what I need to hear. The exercises are hard and it’s confronting BUT it’s just what I knew in my heart that I wanted/needed to do. I have changed already. I see patterns and habits SO clearly. I know what I have done and why I’ve done it. What you are offering people is life-changing! Thank you for offering this to others. Thank you for coming into my life and guiding me in this lifetime. I’m truly grateful.” D.A Qld

“Thank you so very much for this beautiful membership group, Katie. I am so excited that we are having another year. This has been an amazing year and I am so grateful for all I have learned about myself and to everyone for their incredible sharing.” VJ Qld

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, I’ve learned and am learning so much. I couldn’t think of a better guide and companions than the people in this group. Thanks for listening all year, everyone.” MB Qld

“I am so thankful for your love, sharing, and honesty Katie Webber! Although it can feel hard when going through a ‘shedding’ of things that hold me back, I know they are no longer needed and it feels so amazing afterward. I’ve moved into feeling really on top of things, empowered, and connected to myself and others. Although I know I’ll continue to have challenges, then growth, it is so good to know I can share here and receive the loving honesty I need” NL Qld

“Thanks, Katie, I really appreciate you giving us your time and sharing your knowledge. I have learned so much about myself. Thanks, everyone for sharing, it really helps! I’m looking forward to another year with you and this amazing group.” SM Qld

“Being part of Katie’s membership group is like having an anchor in a storm. Katie is inspirational she has an ethereal way about her; she’s cool as a cucumber but as warm as a gorgeous sunny day. Thank you for your insights and the love you share so freely Katie. I can’t wait to continue to learn and grow with you” WW Qld