
Bioenergetics Health Scan

Bioenergetics Health Scan

A Bioenergetic Health Scan enables us to detect and correct the human body field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity and your state of health! By evaluating and restoring the body’s energy and communication systems, we enhance its natural healing capabilities and promote long-lasting well-being.

Bioenergetics is the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. A Bioenergetics Scan returns a detailed overview of your Body Field, including multiple screens and physiologically accurate graphics. In a matter of seconds, a scan can pinpoint the distortions in information, giving you clear instructions to support your health, starting at the very root.

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Quantum Counselling

Spiritual Counselling

Katie uses unique counselling techniques to enable her clients to uproot memories that are negative and limiting, releasing the pain held in these memories.

She empowers her clients to move into better fields of experience as she guides them out of non-beneficial wavelengths of thought.

Katie provides a safe and confidential environment where clients can openly express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Her passion is to help clients gain insights and make positive changes in their lives. She works with clients with concerns in a vast range of areas. These areas include health issues, stress, relationship issues, grief and loss, self-love, career challenges, and personal growth. She has a holistic approach and can guide you to resolve the issue on every level of your being – spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

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Dynamic Healing

It is hard to describe what Dynamic Healing is, as an energy is involved that is not easy to explain. Katie’s ability to observe without judgment enables her to be in a space where non-love cannot reside, exposing the truth of the situation. Healing occurs as the suppressed energy that causes a blockage within the mind and body is released. Katie transforms that energy intuitively.

“Healer heal thyself” is essential in the journey to becoming a healer, as to understand another person, you must first truly understand and clear yourself. Katie has a passion for the truth and has delved deeply into her inner journey, discovering the solution to human suffering and the inner cry.

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Golden Wings Chi Gong

Golden Wings Chi Gong

Golden Wings Chi Gong is a unique and gentle exercise developed by Spiritual Teacher Mike Robinson after many years of training in martial arts. Chi Gong means life energy, and these exercises align our breath, movement, and awareness. The practice of Chi Gong opens up a greater awareness and understanding of the movement of Chi (Energy) in your body.

The exercises work to expel old stagnant chi and replace it with new, leaving you feeling energized and peaceful. They increase flexibility, strength, and immunity, promoting health and well-being on every level (physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually).

You will learn specific exercises focusing on the organs, for example, the liver, heart, lungs, spleen, and kidneys. These exercises promote healing at a deep level.

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